- Our Communities and their Beautiful stories
Just as the UK had to work with other countries to find a vaccine for COVID, we agree that Our World is very much interconnected so much that we could also not go it alone at Zaliwana Accessories. We have fantastic communities that ride with us on the journey of creating a stunning shop, starting from our gorgeous website created by a creative and skilled artisan, with it’s hand drawn floral banner and logo by our most talented Artist, to the lovely products on the site created by families and small businesses that have amazing attention to detail.

Vertel, our extremely talented Hungarian artist is the creator of the funny and charming animals. Standing in her busy workshop.

Piroshka (Piri), lives in Romania, she created our amazing cushions and bed quilts. Great stitching and amazing attention to detail. A skilful seamstress.

Taking photographs of the bed quilts at the seaside. Our brilliant and skilful photographer enjoys ensuring that the best mood is set for the products before photography.

Just as the UK had to work with other countries to find a vaccine for COVID, we agree that Our World is very much interconnected so much that we could also not go it alone at Zaliwana Accessories. We have fantastic communities that ride with us on the journey of creating a stunning shop, starting from our gorgeous website created by a creative and skilled artisan, with it’s hand drawn floral banner and logo by our most talented Artist, to the lovely products on the site created by families and small businesses that have amazing attention to detail.

Kateryna is a Ukrainian born artist and illustrator, based in the UK.
Kateryna regularly illustrates for British magazines and books and works with Brands both local and international. Her clients include the Ritz, London, The Guardian, Richemont and Somerset House to name a few. The war has changed the subject of Kateryna’s art: by using symbols of Ukraine. Such as flowers, birds and colours, now she is trying to visualise the essence of Ukrainian soul, the peaceful and poetic land that lives in our hearts.


Importantly, we collaborate with women in Zambia (South Central Africa) that are working on the rewilding project in the Munkulungwe area they live in. They have started collecting seeds from ancient trees which they replant in order to mitigate the huge devastation of tree felling, a practice used to burn trees in order to make charcoal, used to create energy for cooking and heating water. The community is well aware of the stark patterns of climate change as they experience prolonged drought and excessive cold temperatures, such weather patterns motivate them to take part in world action to reduce the devastating effects of Climate change and global warming. Watch them share how they collect seeds and regrow ancient trees on our YouTube channel: