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Limited time launch offers

20% off on your first order

Our Success Stories...

The self reliant women in our communities

Communities Zaliwana Accessories
At Zaliwana Accessories, our commitment to the environment extends beyond our design process. We believe in actively engaging.....

An opportunity presents itself every season

Communities Zaliwana Accessories
The women of Munkulungwe continue to amaze and inspire with their innovative approach to sustainable income.....

Our seamstress – Piri

Communities Zaliwana Accessories
Piroshka (Piri), lives in Romania, she created our amazing cushions and bed quilts. Great stitching and amazing.....

Our web designer – Sadia

Communities Zaliwana Accessories
With a passion for crafting user-friendly experiences, Sadia dives into the world as a website designer and.....

Our Artist – Kateryna

Communities Zaliwana Accessories
Zaliwana Accessories was delighted to collaborate with Kateryna on the amazing floral illustrations throughout our.....

Our photographer – Laszlo

Communities Zaliwana Accessories
Taking photographs of the bed quilts at the seaside. Our brilliant and skilful photographer enjoys ensuring that the best.....


On our communities page, we share stories of all the amazing people we work with ZA. The lovely people that have devoted their time to ZA and made it happen. We also show our support and collaboration for under privileged communities in Africa, focusing on the impact of climate change, education and emancipation of women to create the best communities.


In our More stories we simply share extra information which we may have left out in the other stories. More also focus on the details of our beautiful products, photographed both indoors and in nature, such as our mesmerizing vases, amazing bedroom quilts, all home accessories, to name but a tiny fraction.


This page is about great ideas of how the ZA products can be used in order to bring out their true and majestic beauty. Our customers will also show how they are using ZA products to enhances their house to create a wonderful home.


Our stories with ZA News, bring to you, what we do at ZA, how we do this and why we do this. The stories will also inform us of the latest products we have, if we have been in the media and certainly inform you of our new amazing collaborators.